Document Indexing Services
At a very competitive price, we provide you with the best solutions to your document management and information retrieval needs. Our indexing services deal with different documents like Library Book indexing, Manuals, Journals, Catalogs, Medical records, Legal document indexing etc.
retrieval, archiving, and document conversion with our team of experienced professionals.
Documents are digitized and stored. However, the retrieval of documents, based upon key information, is of prime importance to completing the entire Digital Document Management Cycle. It can be in the form of images and cannot be searched in the form of keywords. Then, the big question is about information retrieval.
We have the answer. Indexing. Indexing is a technique by which vital information contained in these documents is captured and entered into a Document Management System or a database of any sort.
TechnoR Scanning Services
Scanning is the process of converting documents, records, or any type of
paper (hard copy) into an electronic format (soft copy) by utilizing the
state-of-the-art scanners available with TechnoR. The document (hard
copy) may be of various sizes, ranging from A8 to A0.
Constant investment in advanced systems enables us to perform image
enhancements, including automatic de-skewing and sizing. Our scanners
are capable of scanning in bitonal and color and performing image
enhancements, including automatic de-skewing and sizing. Our scanners
are capable of scanning in bitonal, color, grayscale, or a combination of
these up to 1200 dpi. They also scan both sides of a sheet
TechnoR has scanned CFA documents from major mobile service
providers covering Tamil Nadu and converted them to digital images. Our document conversion process is perfectly designed to provide the
utmost safety when handling your original documents.
After the completion of the above process, we send our final data to our
quality control team. Our QC team will check the data for final output
with raw data, and if any image is found to not satisfy the those files are
immediately deleted and sent for re-scanning. Once again, all the above
processes are completed, and the image is added to the file at the right
place and then passed on to the final inspection. The final inspector
examines the image for quality, clarity, sharpness, image sequences, and
appearances before delivering the final output data to the client in the
appropriate format (.PDF,.JPEG,.TIFF).